Oldest Bodybuilder in 2017-Ernestine Shepherd
Step it up folks, the oldest bodybuilder is 80 years old this year ! Ernestine Shepherd started exercising at the age of 56, and instantly knew she’d found her new calling in life. This 80-year-old grandmother has put fellow bodybuilding competitors to shame by scooping the title for the most incredible muscles. Now the female […]
The Three Most Important Keys To Understanding Effective Bodybuilding Nutrition
Let’s break down and simplify this important aspect of bodybuilding. You basically need to understand three things about nutrition: • The main purpose for each of the three macronutrients: Protein, carbohydrates, and fat • The “right” ratio, or the “correct” percentages, of protein, carbohydrates, and fat that your food divided into in order to meet […]
How to Improve Personal Life With Herbs
Herbs are an option we have that treats misaligned joints. We use natural herbs to improve health. Grow in your backyard. You can buy them in the grocery stores or a health stores. People even grow herbs in their kitchen window. Herbals, all natural, used on a daily basis along with a well balanced diet. […]