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Testosterone Boosting and Building Muscle.

Testosterone is at the  the base of a man’s chemistry make up. It is espacially important if you are bodybuilding. If you’re testosterone levels have dropped and you now suffer from “Low-T”, muscle building and fat loss can be a real problem. The good news, there are a few ways to resolve the issue and get you back on track.

The interesting thing is that “normal levels” of testosterone can range from 348ng/dl – 1197ng/dl. This means that some men can naturally produce 3x more testosterone and still be considered normal. If you are interested in fitness, you need to be on the high end of that range… and here’s HOW:

Tip 1.) SLEEP! A lack of quality sleep can dramatically diminish the amount of testosterone your body produces, thereby reducing muscle growth and fat loss! Research has demonstrated that the amount of sleep you get is associated with morning testosterone levels. Researchers at the University of Chicago recorded the sleeping patterns of healthy men and found that participants’ testosterone levels increased the longer they slept… I recommend 7-9 hours of sleep per night to optimize the testosterone response.

Tip 2.) Lose the excess body fat: Use a fat burner like Clenbuterall™ or testosterone booster. As your waist size goes up, your testosterone goes down. The more fat you have on you body the more armotrase you produce, which will causes your body to convert testosterone into estrogen.

fat burning pills

Tip 3.) Don’t completely avoid cholesterol: Testosterone is derived from cholesterol, so it should come as no surprise that if your diet is lacking in cholesterol, you’re also more than likely shortchanging yourself when it comes to the muscle-building hormone… Try incorporating small portions of lean red meat, whole eggs or seafood like shrimp or lobster

Tip 4.) Add Multi-Joint movements to your workout routine: Essentially, the more muscle mass you stimulate, the more testosterone you’ll secrete. A recent study conducted on trained subjects showed that squats stimulated a greater testosterone response when compared to leg presses. Stick with multi-joint exercises like squats, bench presses, and dead lifts—as they are prime examples of the kinds of compound lifts that’ll help significantly jack up your testosterone levels!

Tip 5.) Limit Your Alcohol intake: Happy hour can wreak havoc on your manly hormones. In a recent Dutch study, men who drank moderate amounts of alcohol daily for 3 weeks experienced a 7 percent decrease in their testosterone levels. Limit your drinking to one or two glasses of beer or wine a night to avoid a drop in testosterone.

Here’s the 7 foods that boost testosterone:

– Steak
– Eggs
– Oysters
– Nuts
– Avocados
– Garlic
– Green Vegetables

testosterone boosters

One question I am continually asked is, “Is it possible to lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time?” My answer is always YES !

First of all, to build muscle, you must constantly overload the muscles in the gym. Heavy training is of utmost importance. Even when you are on a calorie-deprived diet to lose body fat, you must be mentally tough and continue to train heavily to preserve-and even build-muscle mass. And, as I’ve discussed several times already, back up heavy training by eating high-quality protein on a consistent basis and implementing a muscle building supplement.

To lose body fat and still gain muscle, you must really watch your diet closely. Keep your daily caloric intake below your maintenance level. When you reduce your calories, be sure to keep your diet high in quality protein. Most of your calories should come from your carbohydrate consumption. Of course, watch your fat intake. There are also many powerful fat burning pills that can really contribute to your fat loss regimen.

Here is how I suggest you manipulate your carbohydrate consumption: For a couple of days, eat only vegetables for carbohydrates then go back to grains like rice, potatoes, and pasta for a couple of days. Rotate in this manner and see how quickly you start melting the fat. Because carbohydrates give you energy, this may become difficult at times. Nevertheless, it is a very effective strategy.

Thanks For Reading !


Testosterone Boosting and Building Muscle.
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